In contrast to design projects that have to fulfill the requirements of reproductive manufacture, unique art objects are created by spontaneous, non-repeatable processing technologies, they become bearers of artistic messages.
For me the devising and creation of unique objects and conceptions is an indispensable work and experimentation field: Through the creative process and the often unconventional methods used in relation to porcelain, new ideas can arise: Materials and colors are teased into their variable possibilities and can be combined.
When I create figurative objects, spontaneity and «planned coincidence» play an important role; they are freely built and are often composed of cut basic forms, rolled or freely molded elements. Usually after firing the most exciting process takes place, the colour composition, which with its sophisticated nuances and subtle completions the whole appearance can be changed.
- Aschenputtel 33 und 22 cm, Höhe 42 cm
- Fetter Fang Fische à 85cm in Eisengestell 1 x 2m
- Frau mit Vogelnest 33 x 21 cm x 43 cm Höhe
- Waldnymphe mit Kakadu 33cm x 21cm x 37cm Höhe
- Alle Vögel Paneel 135cm
- Harlekin und Colombine 50 x 50cm
- Waldnymphe mit Kakadua 33 x 21 x 37h
- König und Königin 43cm
- Froschprinzessin orange braun 33 x 22 x 38h
- Doppelkelch im Schilf 35 x 20 x 29h cm
- Claudia im Garten 44cm
- Dame mit Elster 33 x 22 x 38h
- Jägerin mit brauner Kappe und Ara 36 x 25 x 36h
- Rosa Kärpfling Hängeobjekt
- Spiegel im Tropenwald 53 x 74cm
- Blauer Falter 26 cm
- Nautilus Zeppelin 85cm
- Ruckediguh 50 x 50 cm
- Frosch im Garten 27cm
- Nachtfalter Wandgestaltung 45 x 75cm 2teilig
- Urknall 44 cm Durchmesser
- Leuchter-Paar 43 cm
- Setzkasten 50 x 50 cm
- Sautrog 45cm
- Kelchpflanzen ca. 24 hoch cm
- Seltene Blüte 18 cm x 17 cm x 26 cm hoch
- Spiegel Abendlicht 57 cm x 86cm
- Frau mit Vogelnest 33 cm x 21 cm x 43 cm hoch